虽然放假了,但最近的时间都用在做作业和做实验上了。第一次用Qt4 Creator开发一个软件,靠自己胡乱摸索,稍微了解了一下工作原理。这IDE似乎比VS那个还要强大,面向对象的编程方法,所有地方只打”.”就能自动识别和转换成”->”,比Codelite方便和稳定很多。Qt4的类库也很强大,QString,QList比STL的string,vector功能多很多,用起来效率也很高。在@__kd__ 的同学介绍下,才知道还有mapper等实用的功能,不过还没用上,Qt4的MVC界面设计也没用上,下次再试试,哈哈!
Socket Programming Homework
The software consists of two parts. The server program and the client program. The server program
is simply a command line application that receives only one argument to specify the directory the file
server hosts. And the client program is written in Qt4 GUI framework, so a friendly visual user
interface is shown to the user.
1. Listing directories from server.
2. Downloading files from server. Large files (4GB) are supported.
3. Multi-clients access and multi-threading supported.
4. Uses maximum network speed, nearly 50Mbytes/s transfer ability on PC.
5. The cross-platform Qt4 GUI supported.
6. Current version only support two basic FTP commands(LIST, RETR) for file listing and file
transferring. To simplify the development, the implementation of these commands is not
compatible with the RFC related specificiations.
因为这个学期学习的Pattern Recognition需要做一个Lab实验,而我所在的小组的题目是人脸识别。我想参与做的工作是人脸检测定位,然后提取特征。
为了减少工作量,尽量采用现成的技术和现有的库,例如OpenCV。最容易实现而且已经被广泛实践的就是人脸的定位了,使用过google plus或者facebook的人都知道,在浏览相片的时候,能够自动识别人脸并且提示圈人。目前发现新浪微博的相册还无此自动识别功能,只有手动寻找位置……